Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The List of Things Wakarimasen

The list of things Wakarimasen, which means I cannot understand in Japanese.

Why Pharrell Williams let me down so badly in this year's N.E.R.D Live at Esplanade (part of Mosaic Music Festival) concert which I paid a bomb for. He wore polka dotted skinny jeans and toward the end of the night screamed - I'M SOOOOOOO HORNY TONIGHT. P Williams, if farking is all you think about then...

Why most people don't get that rushing to get to the front of the queue will only push them farther behind the queue.

Why my family LOVES freebies so bloody much. Especially NDP goodie bags.

Why Crocs is getting more and more ubiquitous. And why someone even thought of Crocs and marketed it into such a sellable franchise. Whoever you are, here's a new idea: Golden Ping Pong Balls made of actual gold. Medicine balls to help you keep fit, so golden ping pong balls to help you hit harder. (no sexual innuendo intended)

Why is it that once I turned 18 this year, I actually started being able to tolerate my parents and enjoy spending time with them. And enjoy it even more.

Why I like Britney Spears.

Why Miley Cyrus seems to be more famous then Roald Dahl. (If you don't know who he is, then I am sad to say that you have a deprived childhood.)

Why I don't (or rather, didn't) have a better judgement of what friends should be like and had to be hurt more than I could imagine so many many times before. My best friend now is the plump rat that feeds on the weeds in the garden and cannot seem to die despite the many traps we place to ensnare him. (Joking la. Didn't I mention how much money I spent on my lousy friends?) But srsly, true friends are hard to come by.

Why I suck when it comes to technology. Believe it or not I cannot get my pictures to align properly thus my posts are all wordy and confusing. (For those of you who can't tell the difference between stationery and stationary, I suggest you go play Neopets.) I need help from a blogging expert pls.

Why I REALLY SUCK AT TECHNOLOGY. Like today during my final theory trial prac I was hitting the computer screen because I couldnt get it to respond (it was touch screen), and everyone else was so at ease. I am really jittery when it comes to computers / iPhones / laptops.

Why karma takes so long to take effect. Not being bitter... Just. Yknow. Wondering. -makes a voodoo doll

Why my junk mail is full of horny requests from GIRLS. MOSTLY BLONDE GIRLS. HARDCORE.

Why when my friends refer to me as Eug, their friends always think I am their secret admirer cum boyfriend cum player dude who hit on them randomly on the street.

Why people always spell my name wrongly. It's EUGINIA. not EUGENIA.

Why my parents try so hard to be different that they had to spell my name with an "i".

Why people think conforming is good. Just because I home school, (am taking my A's next year), most people think I am

a) an idiot at all aspects, including eating, drinking, doing sports etc.

b) a punk with secret tattoos on her bum

c) retarded i.e. someone once asked me whether i understood "bright-eyed and bushy tailed"

d) ready to kill herself at any word they say ( I am home schooled because I was diagnosed with depression. Hard to believe eh? Am still on meds.)

Why my parents look really Asian yet most people think I am mixed. (This is not exactly a good thing. Some people actually make really snide remarks abt it.)

Why I am not photogenic. But I think I look fine in real life.

I really am not photogenic, this is not Little Miss Low Self Esteem or Mister Insecure About His Size speaking.

Why kids always think I am only 6. They think I'm a really tall, really strong 6 year old kid.

Why I am nothing like my mother and take after my dad COMPLETELY personality-wise. This is true. All of my relatives say this.

Why I dislike blonde guys. Even Brad Pitt.

Why I notice pretty girls really quick. (I am straight.)

Why pretty girls think I'm giving them a bitch face when I am admiring them.

Why my mother laughs like a cross between a cockerel and screeching tyres, and why she snores like a bulldozer. Once when we were on holiday, I woke up in the middle of the night wondering why there was construction going on, and it was actually my mom. Not exaggerating.

Why people always think I am exaggerating when I am not.

Why everyone thinks that being an only child = being lonely and emo 24/7
Trust me, me getting my private time alone is a battle I face constantly

Why people name their children using palindromes.
Palindromes are words that spell the same backward and forward, e.g. Bob, Anna, Hannah and Dad.
Is your kid named Dad?

Why I cannot stand white, creamy foods like mayonnaise, cream base sauce, whipped cream.
I have eaten all of the above only once in my life and hated them. My most repulsive memories.

Why my list of things Wakarimasen is also a list of things revealing ME as a person ! Does this indicate smth to all wannabe psychiatrists ?

Let me give it to you straight - Don't read too much into it. It's most likely a coincidence.

If you want to give it an underlying meaning like oh you are still in denial and you are probably in doubt of yourself and you have to take a personality quiz for me to assess you then....

I shove fortune cookie up your arse.

(Search this on under Asian Prank Call by OwnagePranks. LOL.)

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