Thursday, August 19, 2010

The People I Love to Death Annoy Me to Death

Things my family does to drive me mad -

1) Everytime I tell my mother I am going to bed, she quickly finds something about her computer that requires my help.

Me: Good night mom i'm going to bed.

Mom: Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait. How do i change the font colour to red again?

-helps her change font colour

Me: Ok good night.

Mom: Good night. Hold up could you just help me reply to this email?

About 5 hours later....

Me: Good nighhhhht.... -gets ready to dash to room

Mom: Hey could you help me save this in a thumb drive?

2) Everytime I ask my half-deaf dad a question while he is practicing guitar, he refuses to stop playing the guitar.

Me: Dad do you want dinner now?

Dad: What is it? -continues singing Whoa whoa yeah yeah, I love you more than I can sayyyyyy

3) In the car, when I want to take a nap, my granmother immediately has a question of no importance to ask me.

4) Everytime I'm watching a movie, and I forget to turn my handphone to the silent mode, my aunt will call me to ask a question of no importance.

5) When I am at my cousin's house and she is watching television, no matter how loudly I scream at her - she will NEVER answer any of my questions. Otherwise it will go like this;

Me: Pas? What time are we going out?

Pas: -laughs at something on tv.

Me: (After about 20minutes later) Pas? Pas?

Pas: (45 mins later, when there is an advert) Yeah you were saying?


6) After finishing dinner, my grandpa will ask me if I have taken dinner about 3 more times.

7) My dad likes to call me and start off the conversation like this:

Dad: Hello. Yes 3 Things. Number 1, you have an appointment with XXX tomorrow. Number 2, the thing you asked me to fax for you can't get through. Number 3 there is dinner with Uncle XXX tonight.

Me: Oh yeah okay regarding the fax....

Dad: -hangs up-

So i try to call him back.

Dad: Yeah?

Me: Umm dad, -tells him what I need him to do.

Dad: Why didn't you ask me when I called you just now?

8) My other aunt likes to scream very loudly over the phone although it is already about a metre away from my ear and everyone around my vicinity can hear what our entire convo is about.

9) My cousins like to lean all over me when we are watching television so thus sometimes I cannot breathe.

10) My mother likes to walk in on me when I am busy doing something and then look for her magazines, thus blocking my entire view of the computer. When I try to ask her to move, it becomes something like this.

Me:Mom can you move?

Mom: I'm looking for something, could you just help me find it?

Me: Okay. (and just as I stand up)

Mom: I FOUND IT! -walks away.

She will come in and do this at ten minute intervals.

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